Thursday 5 January 2012

Adverting Research - Humour used in advertising

Many adverts use Humour to get their message across.

In these adverts 3M are advertising their quality photo printing paper by suggesting that using this paper, the quality of the prints is so high that you wouldn't get away with some of the forgeries that were submitted in the past depicting blurry images of flying saucers and the lock Ness monster. I like these images and feel that they work well in promoting the product as an advertising campaign as it puts me in a good good due to the humour whilst viewing the image and this is the mood that I take away and then associate with the brand and product.

The gimmick in the product is that the toothbrush bends. I think this image works well as it's a fun take on an otherwise boring product, in reality there is nothing fun or entertaining about booth brush's or brushing teeth so I think the advertisers have done a great job here in creating excitement. I also like the way that the logo is located in the top right corner as apposed to the traditional placement of bottom right. The gimmick is demonstrated once again in the illustration in the top right.

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