Thursday, 5 January 2012

Project Proposal

Creative Proposal
I will create a series of promotional advertisements for the National Blood Service to raise awareness and promote the need to give blood. It is important to remind people to give blood as often this is over looked and the supply of blood is much less than the demand. The advertisement aims to drive additional people aged 18+ to give blood in their local area.
Many blood donor campaigns have been made in the past, most of which focused on appealing to the viewers emotions and sympathies making the viewer feel sorry for the people in need of blood. With this campaign I plan to use humour to appeal to the British publics light-hearted nature. I also want to promote the idea that people who give blood are like heroes and give the viewer the sense that the character in the advert is of a lower status than the viewer making the viewer feel good about themselves. I want to achieve this by making the character in the advert seem silly although they have the status of being a hero.
The advertisement aims to appeal to the general public of Britain, to everybody of good health aged 18 and over. I therefore propose to create a paper vinyl poster to be display at bus stops where the target audience can view it. I propose to have the ad shell ready by 6th January 2012.

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