Friday 6 January 2012

Processing the final shoot

I edited my images in lightroom first reducing the colour temperature from 5600 kelvin down to 5295 to cool off the images giving a fresh, cool tones. I then reduced the saturation to around half and increased the vibrancy to just over 60%. I increased the blacks by about 20% to increase the shadows and make the image a little more contrasty. I then increased the fill light to about 40% to bring back some of the details lost when I brought up the shadow detail. I then increased the clarity to 90% and reduced the exposure of the raw file by nearly a stop leaving me with the final processed image I wanted. I then sharpened my images and exported them into photoshop where I did a light retouch removing any major spots or blemish’s using the spot healing brush

This is the original image

This is the same image after I had finished processing it. 

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